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Does anyone else think Ricky Williams is getting a bad rap ?
i mean come on we talking weed not steroids or crack or even coke, weed i know some of those owner and excutives smoke weed or at least have
21 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavourite answer
Even though I like Ricky and believe he possibly could've been on eof the greatest RBs that have ever entered the NFL, I have to say that he knew the rules of the job when he took it. The media is going to blow it up....that's their job (however unfair it is). The media wants ratings and the league has to stick to its rules. Think about it.....if we know that we aren't supposed to be high at the workplace, and then turn around and get high at the workplace, do u think we could remain on a job? We would be fired...right away. At least Ricky got chances. I pray that he gets the help he needs, because any substance abuse can be tough to kick. He has to first want the help, though.
- 1 decade ago
No....he is getting the rap that he deserves. He keeps testing postive for weed and it is against the law!!!! I smoke....but i'm not in the NFL where I am supposed to play the game and hopefully be a positive role model to children. We're not even talking about him abandoning his team 2 years ago...that's a whole other can of worms. Crack and coke are illegal too, just like weed. Follow the rules and you WONT get a bad rap.
- ?Lv 44 years ago
I gave up on maximum mainstream rap and that i haven't watched Sucker loose or any track video channels and that i'm 17. I frequently have been merely finding track in the 90s I even have an entire decade of track i did no longer get to hearken to and rap track now sucks.
- JCLv 41 decade ago
No, he derserves the ridicule and suspensions. The rules say you can't smoke weed. He admittedly smoked weed. You break the rules, you pay the price. What's more, he doesn't seem to care much about the game which is cheating his teammates, coaches, and fans. He only wants back in because he needs money.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
On that basis yeah. Thing is weed is still illegal. Get it legalized, I'll even sign the petition, and then do it. Actually my biggest problem with him was he said he didn't need to smoke weed now because the meditation.
- 1 decade ago
He's been given opportunity after opportunity to get his act together and clean himself up for participation in the NFL. Every time he finds a way to screw up, majorly by failing drug tests. If he wants to play pro football, he must stop smoking weed. It's one or the other, end of story.
Don't get me wrong, he's got all the talent and tools to be an amazing NFL runningback. Failing those drug tests is simply just sad nowadays. Waste of skills.
- BEJEWELEDLv 51 decade ago
Over and over again it's getting tiring.Marijuana is illegal and he knows it.He needs to act like a grown man.I'm a Dolphins fan and was glad to see him back the first time.I want to win as bad as anybody but I'm getting tired of this distraction.You don't know when he will be able to play and when he is not.What I want is for him to quit smoking weed.If weed doesn't bother anyone then are we giving it to our children?
- Anonymous1 decade ago
It's one thing to try it and smoke it once or twice. Ricky Williams's problem is that he made weed a prioroty over football. That's why he has such a bad rap...he deserves it.
- 1 decade ago
I am huge longhorn fan and I saw Ricky break the all time NCAA record in Austin (the first longhorn football game I had ever attended) against A&M it was unbelievable, I was a huge fan and wanted him to succeed in the NFL, its such a shame to see what he has done to his career. I can understand liking the ganja but he should have thought about his career first.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Hell no he is blowing millions of dollars for the sole purpose of smoking weed....**** is insane, I smoke trees and have to stop for work every once in a while and Im makeing 33 an hour this guys is makeing in human amounts of money quit smoking already...****** bum