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Outline the mechanism for the formation of an alkene ,say ethene,from an alcohol and sulphuric acid at very high temperatures.
3 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavourite answer
the acid protinates the -OH attached and forms water. This leaves an unhappy carbon, the carbon then decides to share electrons with its neighboring carbon. The other carbon finds this favorable and releases its hydrogen.
- 1 decade ago
if we take the example: CH3CH2OH + H2SO4-------> CH2=CH2 + H2O + H2SO4
sulfuric acid acts as a catalyst. The reaction takes place in acid medium, provided by the sulfuric acid. Symbolic, the acid medium is represented by protons H+. The proton H+ attacks the OH group. In this way we preform water as a cation: H2O+. Then this cation is eliminated, and we obtain a carbocation. This carbocation eliminates H+ and forms the alkene.
The mechanism:
CH3CH2OH + H+ -----> CH3CH2OH2+ --------> CH3CH2+ + H2O--------> CH2=CH2 + H+
This reaction is an elimination. It can be a monomolecular elimination, or a bimolecular elimination, depending on the reactants.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Alkenes can be synthesized from alcohols via dehydration that eliminates water. For example, the dehydration of ethanol produces ethene:
CH3CH2OH + H2SO4 (conc. aq) â CH3CH2OSO3H + H2O â H2C=CH2 + H2SO4 + H2O
Other alcohol eliminations are the Chugaev elimination and the Grieco elimination in which the alcohol group is converted to a short-lived intermediate first.
Source(s): Wikipedia.