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Is it cheaper to take cab or use super shuttle to go from San francisco airport to Hilton on Ofarrell st.?

3 Answers

  • SFdude
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    It depends on how many people are traveling with you. If you have only 1-2 people, the shuttle works out to be less. If you have 3 or more, you might want to go for a taxi. For public transit savvy visitors, the subway (BART) is a good alternative as well.

    - The door-to-door shuttle services charge $14 - 17 per person.

    - A cab to Downtown San Francisco costs $40 - 45 (not including tips and traffic wait time).

    - Of course, the cheapest way is to take the subway from SFO International to Powell Street station (and walk the 3 blocks to O'Farrell and Mason). This only costs $5.15 per person.

    If you have a lot of luggage. however, you'll probably want to take a shuttle bus or taxi.

  • 5 years ago

    ??? I read your question a few times- I still don't get it. You're asking how you'd get from the SFO airport terminal to the SFO BART station? They have trams that shuttle you back and forth- no need to walk at all. -or- Are you asking about how to get from the POWELL St BART station to your location on POST street? From the POWELL st BART, Post street is just 3 blocks to the north (near Union Square). Depending on your location and how much luggage you're carrying, I say you could walk it. If your location on Post is out across Van Ness, hop in a cab. Yes, Taxis are expensive in SF, but since your trip is so short, it'll only be a few bucks- $10 max, I'd say. good luck & I hope this halps.

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, it's alot cheaper to take the super shuttle, because they don't charge on minutes of driving, or on traffic and so forth. The super shuttle is convenient for people who just got off the airport, and it doens't take long to arrive.

    Source(s): Tourist in SF
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