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A blonde went into a store one day........?
.....and she walks up to the sales man and says,"I want that TV" The sales man refuses to give her wat she asked for and kicked her out.The blonde thought if she changes her look he wud give her the TV.The next day she walks into the store with her hair dyed red.She asks for same thing and like yesterday,she's thrown out.She does the same thing the next day and she's still kicked out of the store.Finally she asks the sales man how he knew it was her the whole time.The sales man answers her,"thats because this aint a TV,its a microwave!"
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16 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Yes I used to tell that 1 2 my friends allllllll the time
- ?Lv 45 years ago
What the hell is the blonde doing out and in a store? She should be in my kitchen naked cooking my dinner, with a cold beer ready for me. (That's my own little blonde joke.......)
- Tia08Lv 41 decade ago
Lol I never heard of it. Lol it's funny, she's so stupid the whole time she though it was tv? Wooow.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
u copied another person
no star
- Anonymous1 decade ago
omg I see this joke on here to much