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Sex question Which one would you rather do oral or intercourse with someone you just met?
seems like when meeting a women and its time to get freaky come they want a brother to eat them. I dont think anything is wrong with it but I aint doing that to a woman I just met they dont make tongue condoms with the juices a woman got coming from her a man can get head thru a condom so I think its different for a woman but it seems like more people or ok with oral sex over intercourse whats up with that?
14 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavourite answer
I think oral sex is a bit more intimate. Don't ask me why I feel this way I just do. I rather engage in intercourse with plenty of protection nearby,...
- Anonymous1 decade ago
understand about the protection point of view, but u could say that about sex condoms break
should only do it if you fell comfortable doing it if not then dont
for one i have never asked for it on a one night stand i just want the sex may sound like a slag but its the truth
- 1 decade ago
What is the length of time when you say just met....
If you dont want to go the whole way, but want to see her again, I thought that was what it was all about... getting to know one another and finding out what each likes before going for the plunge!!! Pardon the pun!
- 1 decade ago
you can always do the finger test and check for a bad smell before you get down to business orally.
always have the 'raincoat' just incase you do get to lay some pipe to her.
- KimLv 51 decade ago
I think that having sex with someone you just met is highly careless. I also think that your question should have been in the STD category.
- kibbie01Lv 41 decade ago
you know they do make dental dams for that...going down on a woman. I have a rule, if the dude don't do me, I don't do him. Simple & to the point, quit being so macho.
- brandiLv 51 decade ago
wow, thats alot to do with someone you just met. meybe if you are this worried, you should meet a better class of women...
- 1 decade ago
well if i was getting the oral, id be down =P but i had to decide if i were to give it or have sex.. id choose sex.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
yeah both of them are fine with me.but i wouldn't do it with someone i just met know