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Would you consider an HIV test before you married your partner?
I would,you never know!
11 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavourite answer
You bet your butt that I would more than consider it, I would ask and demand it.
I know that I am clean, and I don't have any wish to commit suicide, or pass HIV on to any kids the marriage might produce.
Love plays no part in staying alive, or doing a small part in cutting down the spread of this fatal virus.
- 1 decade ago
Most states require a blood test now days, and that is one of the main things they check for. Yes, I would anyway. You can also have it set up so that every year when you go get a pap, if you get one, to be tested then too.
- TrajedyinMotionLv 41 decade ago
In our state you have to have a blood test before getting your marriage license and HIV is one of them
- *Felicia*Lv 41 decade ago
I sure would. Won't take risks after I heard a doctor fooling his wife right in my city!
The poor innocent woman is now dying, to no fault of her own!!
- 1 decade ago
dont you think it would be smarter to get checked before you sleep with your partner.....if you didnt why worry now you probably have it
Source(s): Think before you jump his bones - Anonymous1 decade ago
i will if given the chance, and it has to be both of us
- Anonymous1 decade ago
No I'd already have it