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If you found out your partner had HIV,would you leave them....?
considering,you have never had sex with him/her plus you feel you really love this person.
7 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavourite answer
hell yes
- 1 decade ago
It depends if they had cheated on you and contracted HIV then there would be grounds to leave them. If they got HIV through Drugs while with you and unknown to you, i would leave them.
I think the question should be turned around to the person who had HIV. What would you do if you found out you had HIV? Would not it be more considerate for you and be a token of your love to her or him to let that partner go and find freedom in another relationship?
- Anonymous1 decade ago
If she got it while I was with her, I would leave, and if she got it before we met and didn't tell me up front I would leave.
Only if she risked losing my friendship and told me up front would things have a chance.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Straight Up. Sex may be good, but sex isn't everything is it?
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Id stay if I relli luved this person
- 1 decade ago
There's no question: if I really love them - I'm not going anywhere.