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Sometimes I get frustrated at not being able to have things my way. How do you deal with such emotions?
6 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavourite answer
The first thing you need to do is keep your mouth shut. I know it's hard but don't complain about it! Then breath, count to 10 in your head slowly, and try to think about how the situation is in reality, not how you want it to be. Look at the situation and see something positive out of it, and try to understand that your way is not always the right way.
I have this problem too! I have to really try hard not to say anything, but in the end, as long as I try to smile and look for something good about the situation, usually I can end up enjoying some part of it. Just don't dwell on what you wanted that you didn't get, instead think about the task at hand and try to make something great out of it.
When people see how easy you are to work with/hang out with, people will be more willing to let you have your way sometimes because the last time they got their way.
- 1 decade ago
Why is it so important to you to have things your way? Will everything be catastrophically torn apart if its not your way? Or do you like to be in control? Do you feel if it is not your way, then you are not in control of your surroundings? Just a thought.
- 1 decade ago
Lemme know when you figure it out...
I usually just bottle it up...then it explodes...then it's no good..
- Anonymous1 decade ago
let it go-life is short -