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How come most big people call themselves BBW's or BHM ?
I actually love BBW's but the first B=beautiful some of them are just BW's so shouldnt they call themselves BW's instead of BBW's cause that phrase is being used way too much. anybody can answer it but I'm refering to the ones who are not BBW's I know some of yall gonna get mad, but I dont really give a F U C
how am I gross for liking a woman with meat I'm suppose to like some stick figure like your bony A*s christine stop hating thats gross
Big dont equal fat so you 2 b*tches assuming the wrong thing so what if you have a dancers body that dont mean you fine. dancers come in all shapes and sizes Beyone is fine but i dont find her attractive i like a woman more like Queen Latifah and you saying thats gross I got to quote my boy2Pac" Wonder Why They Call You B*itch"
2 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavourite answer
I think they call themselves that because they are trying to prove that big is beautiful, and in a lot of cases, that is true and CHRISTINE u are an incincitive A**HOLE!! how can u talk about people like that?
- TerraLv 61 decade ago
oh my god i agree 200% with christi!
that is sooooo gross!
im not a stick.. i have a dancers body. i dont think skeletons look cute either, but ohhhh my god thats sick!
the only reason i could think of for someone liking that is if they have enough confidence to think they look good like that. and im not being mean.
its NOT healthy too be like that. there is a reason a lot of those girls are depressed and they feel like crap.. because they are so sluggish and probably feel tired and worn out all the time. a while ago before i got in really good shape i was at about 130 and i felt gross being at that weight so i can only imagine.
maybe they call themselves bbws because they feel beautiful and i can understand how that self confidence could be pretty but seriously now....
people these days