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Why can't we choose??
Why can't we choose more than one answer as best answer?
I had asked a question and liked more than one answers. Athough I do give them both the thumbs-up(that's for all answers I liked) but I guess I wanted to choose both as best answers. What sayeth thou??
I feel it isn't fair when there are two quality answers. Both have different approaches to the same question and are nice in their own special way.
Why can't two things both be best.??
or I guess there should be choice of dividing the 10 points
6 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavourite answer
You're right - there have been times where I've had at least two answers that were Best Answers. Even voting one as Best and one as "Runner Up" would be helpful, don't you think?
You might consider posting this idea on the suggestion board
Good luck!
- Me againLv 61 decade ago
Because in grammar school you should have learned definitions of common words. "Best" is very straightforward. Here are the American Heritage definitions:
1. Surpassing all others in excellence, achievement, or quality.
2. Most satisfactory, suitable, or useful; most desirable.
What you should be asking is "Why can't we rate the answers?" Perhaps Yahoo! Answers should initiate a program where the asker or the community ranks the top answers, with the cutoff being, say, up to three answers.
- sweet_blueLv 71 decade ago
Anytime I asked questions
and there were a few best answers
this is difficult.
I agree
it like choosing one while leaving all others in the cold.
I guess there is a reason for just one.
Source(s): I may even suggest this - Yahzmin ♥♥ 4everLv 71 decade ago
Well, it HAS been suggested at the FORUM (blue link, top right) and I'm sure that it is being considered. Whether they will actually DO something like that, though, is a whole other matter.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
and if that is still done I can almost guarantee some fool gonna still report something as abuse because they were not selected 1st b.a over the other one.
I hope it goes through.