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Won 46" HDTV Need help with where to put it?

How far away from the couch should I put this thing? I figured we'd mount in on the wall with a mount that we can turn but I'm not sure just how far away to put it. It's a Sharp Aquos.

We have a couple different options for rooms as well. I'm not sure I want it upstairs in the living room but that's usually where the family watches together. Otherwise it will be downstairs in the family room but it's rather cold down there - there is more space however.

Also, any idea on how to figure out which mounting hardward to buy??

I'm not sure this thing was worth winning - it's expensive to set up! *grin*


Thanks guys. If 4-5 feet is the minimum then I will have no problem putting it upstairs in the heat rather then shiver downstairs.

I will now search for the right "articulating arm mount" LOL Thanks for the proper term on that one!

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    I've got a nice place in my house you could set it ;).

    Seriously though, I would keep at least a 4 to 5 foot viewing distance for a 46". Do you have a bigger HDTV? If not, then I would use the Sharp as your main TV, so put it wherever it is most used.

    As far as mounting equipment, just Google your TV and mounting equipment, you should be able to find what fits (I don't have that particular television, so I can't really help you on that).

    Good luck!

    Source(s): Movie buff and home theater!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ahhh but it's FREE !!


    That's why you want to buy an "articulating arm mount" for it....

    Then you place it in the room you actually watch TV in....

    And you take the OLD TV and put it in the COLD room...

    Unless it's like a real pain to take downstairs...

    THEN you get a space heater for the downstairs, mount your new TV down there and make it your WARM TV viewing area. But keep the little Kids away from the LCD panel, they've been known to throw things or hit the LCD panel and destroy the TV the tune of $2000.

    Source(s): Over 25 years servicing TV sets.
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