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Has anyone ever heard of Princeton Premier?

Also called the "Princeton Premier Registry" or "" Is this a spam or legit organization?




I very much agree with you - I am self employed, locally and just cannot believe they have even heard of me... thats why I am asking

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Never heard of them and doubt they are affiliated with Princeton University--but nice perception marketing attempt anyway. Probably like many of the "Who's Who" listings. There is indeed a book typically and your "free" listing is a one liner in there but to "take advantage of the full listing" it usually costs you another fee.

    Does anybody really refer to these listings to find someone or a service when the internet has all the worlds information? I don't thnk so.

    They are appealing to your ego; IMHO there is little if any value in being included in this.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm taking the "Groucho" approach and stating that I wouldn't want to belong to an organization that would want me as a member. But, seriously, I'm 60 years old, am good at what I do (perfumery), but no one out there knows who I am or what I really do, so why would these people arbitrarily tell me I've been "tapped" for membership. I don't even want to acknowledge their statement because that would give them further access. If they know next to nothing about me, why would they "honor" me? No logic to this one.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    appealing, appealing poem, yet so actual. no human being ought to decide every person. I did a glance for on that poem and although i'm no longer confident in case your paternal grandmother wrote this or no longer, i got here upon it on an internet site, it received't enable me submit the link for some reason, yet in case you do a glance for on Google of both first lines you'll locate it. i love to jot down and browse poems. thanks for sharing.

  • 1 decade ago

    idk who cares jk lol lots

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