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Lv 4
Rabb asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

Good Eating/exercise habits for a 21 year old.?

Here it goes..

I am 21 years old. I am about 5'10" and weight 230. My body is not entirely fat, just my belly, pec's, and I'm starting to see it in my face and neck.

I get little to no exercise. I work all day and go to school 4 times a week. I Do NOT have the best eating habits. I eat until I'm about full. I eat pretty much everything except fruits and vegetables. I love spicy foods and eating at resturants. I dont eat many fast foods at all (McDonalds, Bk).

I've just started changing my eating. Instead of getting the usual Bacon/egg/chs sandwiches for breakfast (9am), I switched to a lowfat Yogurt. Instead of eating a slice of pizza at lunch(11am), I eat a Lowfat Yogurt. and for dinner I'm starting to eat noodles and Pasta's and chicken ceaser salads. I have a feeling I'm not eating right. I'm motivated, I want to eat better and Start to work out.

Please help me. Tell me what to do and I'll do it. I cant afford a workout machine. Tell me some good exercise and eating habits.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Covering an entire diet and exercise routine in a single answer would take a lot, there's entire books dedicated to what you've asked, but the first thing I would do is reverse your eating schedule. Your body needs calories in the morning to sustain you throughout the day, and less calories at night before you go to bed.

    So the pastas and salads you're eating at night I would eat in the morning for breakfast, and the yogurt I'd eat at night for dinner.

    There's many sources saying how great this "diet" is, some of the sources are below.

    I'd also increase your protein intake. Bodybuilders run very little, usually only a few miles a week, yet have fantastically chiseled bodies. That's mostly because of their diet. Bodybuilders take in 1 gram of protein for every lbs they weigh. So at 230 lbs you should eat over 200 grams of protein every day. This is one of the fundamentals of body building and general weight-loss. Check out the last source for more information.

  • 1 decade ago

    well, i joined weight watchers, about a month ago , because i am 44 years old, and have been pretty consciently gaining weight about 4 lbs a year, and no matter what i tried , nothing i did worked. i joined weight waycher s on jan 3, 2008 and have since lost 10 lbs, and im eating more food than i had been eatring before, its just the right kind of food, they basically teach you to make smart healthy decisions, and i had been going to the gym, so i have kept that up, but im working out actually less than before, i have been concentrating on just cardio, doing the elipitical 4-5 times a week for 45 minutes, and thats it, im so happy, that something is finally working for ME!, I, WISH YOU THE BEST, GIVE IT A SHOT , DO IT FOR YOU

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, depending on whereu live, join a local gym, and as foryour eatinghabits, ure still not eating right... u want ot have a nice breakfast that is nutrtious like cereal and fruit. Then for lunch have a sandwhich or something with water for a drink and yogurt for dessert.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    i do no longer think of it incredibly is genuine undesirable. it incredibly is my 0.33 being pregnant additionally, yet all of my infants have been close mutually. With my first I won approximately 17 kilos, with my 2d I won 14, and with this one I even have won 9 kilos already and that i'm purely 23 weeks. I benefit maximum of my weight on the tip of my being pregnant. My infants have been healthful nevertheless. My first replaced into 7-10 and my 2d, replaced into 8-12. All pregnancies are distinctive. i know i'm going to benefit lots greater with this toddler then I did with my final 2. BTW- I even have ALL BOYS!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I wanted to know more about nutrition for body builders myself. I found this good ebook It helped.

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