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Plz suggest some good shopping centers at Jersey City, NJ?
or at New York, NY where I could get good clothing at reasonable price.
I am new at Jersey City, NJ and want to shop for good warm clothing. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated
2 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavourite answer
Newport mall is a good start, take the path train to newport. Pay half offers a good price on off brand clothing.
Another suggestion is to take a walk down newark ave starting at grove street heading west, there are 4-5 discount clothing stores before you hit the turnpike.
Source(s): I live in jersey city off of grove street. - 1 decade ago
Go to Century 21 in manhattan...designer clothes at cheap prices...take the PATH train to WTC. Its a VERY quick ride...Also in Jersey City there is the newport mall...but century 21 will be your best bet