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Lv 4
Rabb asked in HealthMen's Health · 1 decade ago

Milk and Growth.?

I am 21 years old. Since I was little, say 8 or so, I never drank milk. I just didnt like it much. So until this past year, I very rarely drank milk, and I would never drink a full glass. Even with cereal, I wouldnt drink the rest of the milk in the bowl.

My question is, Did this affect my growth permanantly? I am only 5'9" or so and I'm a little chubby in the belly area. Would drinking milk throughout my childhood affect the way my body is structured now.

Could drinking milk today help me grow still at 21?

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    I think not much...

    At an age of 21 your body would lessen it's growth.

    If you continued drinking since 8 or so, you could've reached 5'11''.

    But now...

    Drinking milk would not affect your metabolism but it would strengthen your bones instead.

    You've reached the stage where you somehow stop growing tall, either way, it's still best to drink milk.

  • Esra
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Hay i had the same problem .. i'm now 5.4 n when i was small i was the tallest in the class but then i stoped drinking milk and my hight remained the same siince i was 13!! so maybe drinking milk did affect our growth

    they say girls stop at 15 and some say untill 18 but i stoped at 13!!

    men stop untill 18 or 21 as i read .. so i think you can't SORRY

    but hey were in this together :P

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont think so. My friend is 5'7 and she HATES milk. She never drank it. It's based on genetics. All of her relatives are at least 5'5. So milk doesnt do anything to affect you. I drink milk daily. Cant live without it, but I'm still short...5'4.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's possible you might have seen a small difference. The main thing is exercise and overall diet. The fact that you're a little chubby suggests that you might be overeating and not exercising as much as you need too.

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