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NISSAN TECHS can you help ?

A friend of mine has a 1993 nissan altima 2.4l. automatic transmission. when accelerating, it bogs down and seems like it takes about 20-30 seconds to upshift. it jerks but not really hard. i drove it for about 15 minutes when reachin my destination smoke was coming from the hood. it seems to be a tranny problem. so i wanted to know is there any kind of quick fix like adjustments or replacing the tcm i plan to do a filter change to see how it responds any info will help and before answer dont tell me to do simple things like check the fluid already done those I'm a mechaninc i just dont have experience with foreign cars unlike most mechanics i dont claim to know everything so once again thanks

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Sounds more like a plugged fuel filter to me.

    Or the car is overheating???


    Or the front brakes are dragging?

  • 1 decade ago

    do a complete system flush to the trans which is the way to go these days but where was the smoke coming from under the hood u never said for sure it could be an adjustment to the sensor for speed u really need to hook up the computer to find the direction u should take before guessing where it might be the problem good luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yry changing the tranny oil and filter. the filter could be clogging up and slowing the car down from shifting.

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