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I'm a home schooler and I want to skip 8th grade!!! HELP!?

I am currently in 7th grade and I want to go to high school next year. I don't know what I would need to know for 8th grade. I am currently doing pre-algebra, and 8th grade English. Is there anything else that I need to know? Would I have to take a test??? If you are in 8th grade what are you learning?


I won't be a freshmen for 2 years!!!!! And for my state Pre-Algebra is a 8th grade subject.

Update 2:

It wouldn't be public, it would be a christian school with some of my friends

Update 3:

I have to go to school next year and I want to be with my friends

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    If you are a homeschooler does it matter what 'grade' you call yourself? Are you planning on going to a public or Christian highschool next year? Why do you want to skip? I am in 6th grade doing grade 7 ABeka LA, Teaching Texts grade 7 and have covered all science and history outcomes through grade 8. Do I want to skip? No! Why? I am only 11 and I have so many more things to learn. This past year I did a science text on Marine Biology and found it fascinating. Next year I might do the Grade 12 text on Marine Biology to continue my studies. I also want to do British Literature soon - Mom says she'll order the Sonlight one for me next year...yipee! So, like I asked before, why do you want to skip a grade? I think life is too crammed with great stuff to try to rush through it.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You could skip but you'll have to take a test, and pass state testing if you have them. I'm not too sure about your math, I think you may be behind. I took Algebra in 8th grade, and that was a high school class. If you do poorly on your skip test, they can lock you out of trying to skip again, because you wasted their time, and paper. Also i believe it costs money. Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    It varies from state to state. (we don't know where you're from)

    Why would you want to skip 8th grade anyways? Considering the fact that you're homeschooled, I would seriously question your preparedness for a public high school even if you went through the 8th grade. What's the rush?

  • 1 decade ago

    If you're transferring to a high school, I believe you need to test into your grade level (I knew one guy though who tested in as a freshman instead of a junior (he was supposedto be a junior, so now he's going to be 20 when he graduates).

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