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I'm a home schooler and I want to skip 8th grade!!!?

I am currently in 7th grade and I want to go to high school next year. I don't know what I would need to know for 8th grade. I am currently doing Pre-algebra, and 8th grade English. Is there anything else that I need to know? Would I have to take a test??? If you are in 8th grade what are you learning?

It wouldn't be public, it would be a Christian school with some of my friends.

I have to go to school next year and I want to be with my friends.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    It really depends.

    I went to a christian school that did a test called the SAT (Standard Assessment Test) {Or something like that, I know it was made by Harscourt} before I was allowed to go to school there.

    So let's say I am in 7th grade too, I go take the test. The test will show what grade I am good enough to do. So if it said I could do 9th grade Mathematics and English, they would put me in 9th grade. But if let's say I can do the Mathematics, but the English I tested out as an 8th grader they would give me 8th grade English and the rest 9th grade. Then retest me at the end of the year and see if I was capable of doing 10th grade English and Mathematics.

    English and Mathematics are the most important subjects because Science, History, and ect. are just reading and understanding.

    If I were you I would call the school and ask what the testing procedures are to get in, or if it was possible to put you into a grade higher if you are capable of doing so.

    Source(s): Personal experience I graduated at 14 and I am in university.
  • Cris O
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I think that Gypsy is probably right - schools will put you BACK, but not AHEAD. What grade level you are on depends 'mostly' on math and spelling; all the other stuff is amazingly similar from year to year. There is a SMALL CHANCE that if your parents say you have been doing 8th grade work and have you tested that you will be promoted, but I doubt that will happen. I have seen that happen a FEW times in public school, but NEVER in a Christian school. Just because I haven't seen it happen does not mean it won't, so go ahead and try! It would be nice to be with your friends.

  • 1 decade ago

    You will have to go with whatever the regulations are in your area. In some areas, they will allow you to test into your competency grade level - what you can handle - and in others, they will put you in the grade that corresponds with your age, no matter what you can handle.

    You need to have your parents call the school you'll be attending to find out where they stand. As schools make their own call on this, and the laws vary in each state, we really can't give you an answer on this. It just depends on where you live.

  • Gypsy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Gosh, I don't know. Depends on your area I guess. Where we live homeschoolers who return to school are put into an age appropriate grade no matter what their level of competency is. It is very frustrating. My daughter was bumped back two grades when she went into a small private Christian school. The kids who go back to public school suffer the same thing. And even if the teachers admit that the child is too advanced they refuse to let them move up to an academically appropriate grade. Check with the school, they will tell you the answer.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    you ought to bypass yet you will ought to take a attempt, and bypass state testing in case you have them. i'm no longer too specific approximately your math, i think of you're in the back of. I took Algebra in eighth grade, and that became a extreme college classification. in case you do poorly on your bypass attempt, they are in a position to fasten you out of attempting to bypass back, on account which you wasted their time, and paper. additionally i've got self assurance it expenditures funds. reliable luck!

  • glurpy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You need to talk to the school you are planning on attending. Do it ASAP so that you can make sure you meet all requirements.

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