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Balerie asked in Education & ReferenceTrivia · 1 decade ago

Does anyone know the trivia answers for Chicago’s US 99.5 for May 21,2008?

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    What are the correct Listen & Win as well as the trivia answers for US 99.5 for Wednesday May 21,2008?

    Hot Jobs Trivia Yahoo Hot Jobs! Find the right one. For 2500 Points: Under Technology Jobs, go to the "Calculate your Salary" area, what is the job that is listed in the drop down list? - Internet And New Media,Spiral Frog Trivia Schoolyard Ghosts,Champions Dean Smith, former coach of the NCAA North Carolina Tar Heels from 1967 to 1997, broke the record of most victories by a coach, formerly held at 876. What coach held that record which Smith and his Tar Heels surpassed in 1997? (Enter in the LETTER of the corresponding answer) - a)Adolph Rupp,Country Music Trivia Who has been nominated for more CMA Awards than any other artist? (Enter in the LETTER of the correct corresponding answer). - b.George Strait,Extraordinary In 1975 Benjamin Franklin completed a scientific study which began in 1769 when he was deputy postmaster of the British Colonies and found that it took ships two weeks longer to bring mail from England than was required in the opposite direction. What was the reason for this difference in travel time? (Enter in the LETTER of the corresponding answer) - c)The Gulf Stream,Famous Firsts The National Baseball Hall of Fame was opened on June 12, 1939 in Cooperstown, New York. On that day, the first five players were inducted, including: Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth, Honus Wagner, and Christy Mathweson. Who was the fifth player inducted? (Enter in the LETTER of the corresponding answer) - c)Walter Johnson,Villains of the Silver Screen Jason Voorhees is the hockey masked murderer who terrorizes camp counselors at Camp Crystal Lake in the Friday The 13th movies. However, in the first movie in the series, in 1980, Jason was not the killer. Who was the killer in the first Friday The 13th? (Enter in the LETTER of the corresponding answer) - b)Jason's mom, Mrs. Pamela Voorhees,Artist of the Day 5000 points are awarded by typing in the Artist of the Day. Listen to Lisa Dent and Ramblin Ray for the code at 6:15 and 8:15am. - Kenny Chesney,dean's dairy code Listen for the Dean's Dairy Code with Trish Biondo to win 5000 reward points. - Low Fat Skinny Cow,Taylor Swift Code of the Day Listen to Bill Garcia each week night at approximately 8:45 p.m. for the Taylor Swift Code Word of the Day. Enter it here to win 25,000 points - Lake Michigan,Sleuth Trivia Test your sleuthing skills by finding the hidden answer to this trivia question.

    Look through the prizes we're giving away for a smaller version of the sleuth graphic above, which will be hidden in one of the prize descriptions. When you see that graphic, click on it to find out the answer. Enter that answer below for 1,500 points! - Turtle

    US99.5 Newsletter Code Be on the look out for your US*99's worth 2,500 points! Find the Secret Phrase in your newsletter and enter it here for your bonus points! If you don't already receive the weekly US*99 Newsletter, click here to join. - Memorial

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