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Does Xbox 360 have firmware updates too?

Just curious...

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Yes. They usually do 2 a year known as the spring and fall updates. This year they are only doing one update. Don't know about next year yet. This years update will be an entire revamp of the dashboard system. It could be as late as Nov. 22 to go with the 3 year anniversary or as early at Sept. 25th or anywhere in between.

    It will include 8 person party chat, Netflix on-demand movie streaming for Netflix subscribers, a whole new dashboard and guide(more vista-like), an avatar system( Mii's in HD) to go with the new friend system, a new feature for xbox live subscribers gold/silver? called xbox prime-time which will include real-time game shows and more.

    Source(s): They usually do 1 or 2 major ones every year to bring in new features and to better streamline. Any fixes that need done because of bugs, glitches or other various nasties will be done immediately and will be prompted for download before allowing users onto xbox live.
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes they do, and in response to Norris, when speaking to an X Box tech support guy, he told me November 1 would be the launch date. Not entirely sure that's gonna happen but it's possible

  • Erika
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    you may burn the Xbox experience from the information superhighway internet site. purely burn to a cd and you will possibly be able to replace your pals device. he will ought to have a difficultchronic or mem card inserted for the replace to ensue. Then he will have the recent device and the avatars. additionally he might desire to purely put in any of the maximum recent video games. all of them seem to have the sprint replace on the disc, like they used to do for the xbox a million

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, but not like the PS3, meaning not every other month.

    Source(s): XBOX Expert
  • 1 decade ago


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