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An example of Christian love...?

Something recently happened in my neck of the woods...a man and his wife were on their way to Florida to celebrate their 50th anniversay with a cruise. They stopped to spend the night and in the morning the woman ran across the street to the convenience store and was struck and killed when she ran out in front of a car. The teenage driver was inconsolable. The man who had just lost his wife of so long, ran back into the hotel room and grabbed the bible. He gave it to this boy and tried to comfort him with scripture and pure, loving forgiveness. A truly awesome true story. Granted, not all christians have this much christian spirit, but I don't know of any atheists who do. Do you?


Lot, Macon Telegraph. And the woman was dead- what did you think he could do for her?

Twinkie- this incident transcends anything resembling ordinary kindness or consideration.

???- No I don't expect an atheist to model christian love. In fact the bible tells us DO NOT expect non-christians to abide by our principles.

But my question remains- I don't know of any atheist with this much love to give to a stranger who has caused them so much pain. Do you? Just a rhetorical question...

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    That's a wonderful testimony and a great example of the kind of agape love this Christian man has.

    Thanks for sharing, it's very encouraging and somewhat convicting as well...Makes you question yourself in where you are in Christ....perhaps the need to work on your own compassion and growth in the Lord. I know when I hear testimonies like this, it always makes me do a self-check or reflection on my own needs to grow in Christ.

    Thanks again! and Bless You.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Do you have a source for this story so I can read it?

    I assume the husband was not to concerned for his wife seeing as though his first thought was "get a bible for this kid".

    What an odd story. It does not paint Christians in a particularly good light!

    EDIT - I'm still waiting on that source for this story....I guess perhaps it didn't actually happen as you say then?

    2nd EDIT - I went to this website for the Macon Telegraph and searched it thoroughly but couldn't find the story. Do you have a link?

    And, to answer the question, no I don't see Christian spirit in Athiests (as other have pointed out this would be a contradiction). I do see atheists display common decency, forgiveness, love, genorosity and other postive qualities which are also shared by Christians. All the time in fact. I work for the police service in the UK. 85% of our staff are non-christian. After the July 7th bombings I saw a lot of these people - Christian and non-Christian alike - do some really brave and wonderful things - putting their lives on the line (which I guess is extra tough for atheists, who believe they will not get any reward if they die....) and I don't think any of them did it becasue of their particular faith (or non-faith) I think it's just human spirit to want to do the right thing.

    I also see meaness and evilness from atheists and christians alike (interestingly around 80-85% of the cirminals we deal with are Christian) and all that i can conclude is that you see good and bad in everybody.

    At least when atheists are good people they do it despite knowing they will never be rewarded for it in the afterlife....isn't *that* true altruism?

    Source(s): Agnostic
  • 4 years ago

    some Christians are judgmental and illiberal because of the fact they are no longer getting the superb advice with regard to the Lord. Christians have been taught for hundreds of years to evangelise hell and damnation. i do no longer think of it is stable. It states marvelous interior the Bible "Thou shall no longer decide others till one has judged themselves." people who decide, have not found out humility. authentic Christians, following the be attentive to the Lord do no longer decide. i think of too, it incredibly is a cleansing soap container ingredient. they're properly versed interior the Bible, yet they have twisted the meanings, to in shape their very own judgments. to no longer decide is complicated for all and sundry. Praying on it, enables. i'm in a occupation the place the standard inhabitants will decide my group in a coronary heart beat. even if, having to paintings with those human beings well-known, and seeing what I see and listening to what I hear, i do no longer decide them. If I judged each inmate that got here into my detention center, i does no longer be waiting to accomplish my activity applications marvelous. If a man or woman can provide up smoking, or exchange their weight loss application, or provide up playing, then in addition they very own the skill to no longer decide others. wish this enables. God Bless

  • 1 decade ago

    "Granted, not all christians have this much christian spirit, but I don't know of any atheists who do".

    I can honestly say, knowing some atheists, as I do, that none of them have ever displayed the slightest hint of Christian spirit.

    I wouldn't expect them to.

    After all, they're not Christian.

    Human decency, yes, I'd expect they'd display that, without blinking.

    I wonder if anyone else questions whether there is any "Christian love" shown in the sentence; "but I don't know of any atheists who do".

    I know I do.


  • 1 decade ago

    Obviously atheists don't have Christian love, they have atheist love.

    I can only hope I have lots of atheist love, but I don't know what I would do in that situation.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Source(s): <*)))Jesus><
  • um, do you really think that only christians can be nice and considerate towards other people?


    Source(s): <3 your asian twinkie atheist
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, I'm not that crazy.

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