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Do the signs Libra and Scorpio get along?
Will they last as partners and communicate well?
7 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavourite answer
Well, my husband is a Libra and I'm a Scorpio. We've been together for 5 years, have two wonderful children. But as far as lasting and communication? That's something that is up to each individual person. Communication is key in a relationship, without it, your relationship is doomed.
Source(s): See above - Anonymous1 decade ago
According to horoscopes: yes and no. The chemistry is definitely there, but Scorpio swims in emotional waters where airy Libra gets seasick. Libra is not emotionally aloof, but Scorpio feels things much deeper than Libra and may feel like Libra "just doesn't get it". If they can get past emotional unrest, then there is the potential for a great relationship.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
My current girlfriend is Libra/Cancer/Virgo Rising, while I'm Scorpio/Libra/Sagittarius Rising. I'm usually the one cracking jokes, and we are very open with one another. Not much is hidden between us, and with that I absolutely adore her. No games being played, just honesty and appreciation for it.
- 1 decade ago
Who cares about horoscopes signs. If you two get along well together that should matter more. Plus it will depend on how much effort each of you put into the relationship.
- 1 decade ago
well i cant tell you on relationship wise. but friendship..well the libra always wants something new and upbeat to like. you always have to grab their attention. but with scorpios they are cool and laid back and those 2 signs in friendships dont work out well in my opinion.
Source(s): my old friend.. - Anonymous1 decade ago
nooooo.... we dont necessary NOT get along but it takes way too much out of me to get along w a Libra... I like to avoid them big time... they definitely get on my nerves secretly. But honestly they're great ppl, so I hate admitting this and really feel bad for it- bc I know they're honest and true. (We're just worlds apart- it's torture for me to get along w them).
- Anonymous1 decade ago
I don't know, everybody is a libra.