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Which is your favourite Coffee place?and why?
Starbucks,Second Cup,Tim Hortons,Timothys,Dunkin Donuts.
14 Answers
- 1 decade ago
i like Tim Hortons and Starbucks. Tim Hortons usually i drink french vanilla though. Starbucks has a good taste. that's all i can say.
Source(s): my experience - Anonymous1 decade ago
I've only been to starbucks on that list, and I cant stand them as the only way their coffee tastes good is if they add all the sugar (which they do). I perfer non-commercial places, Im not sure if its where they get there coffee or how they prepare it, but its always better.
- <3Lv 51 decade ago
I'm such a coffee addict! and starbucks satisfy my needs =p
It just taste tens time better than Dunkin Donuts
Source(s): Experienceee - 1 decade ago
Starbucks is the best. I also like a place called Progessive. Its also a coffee place .
- 1 decade ago
I like starbucks. Not just because of their drinks but I love the atmospheres at their stores. I could spend hours sitting in them talking with my friends. I have found that which ever one I go to they all have the same friendly and comfortable setting. I love it! I also love their drinks!
- 1 decade ago
Starbucks. I love the coffee and the atmosphere. The staff is always very cheerful and seem to enjoy their work.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Caribou Coffee
I like how when I buy a hot chocolate, they put chocolate shavings and whipped cream in it. Also, every day they have a question of the day, and if you get it right you get $.10 off your order. I know it's hokey, but it's still fun.
- Anonymous5 years ago
genuinely! I even have 2 Mickey Mouse cups and one Disney Princess that no person is permitted to apply. i'm the queen of espresso, and deserve the call for ingesting extremely some it!