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Since God is an English man and Rugby is the official sport of Heaven, why did he create all the other races?

Since, Charlton Heston is God in the movies, and we were brought up in Sunday School to believe that God is an English gentleman and that we must play rugby in heaven. Where do all those Roman Catholics and other races go? and why did God bother to create them? Are they just servants and gardeners? This one is for all you religious bible pushers to answer, since they weren't answered in Sunday School.


Yes..your right - He played Moses.

Yes..The All Blacks have won the Rugby.

Yes..Morgan Freeman is a Gentleman so I can see why he played God, and the poms probably would give him citizenship anytime.

Yes..Since a Queen is head of the church, and defender of the faith, then I can't see why queens can't play Rugby and get into Heaven.

Yes..Americans are decended from the English so I can't see why a small stoush over some taxes can't prevent them from going either, or playing God in the movies.

Mostly very good answers. It will be hard to say who'll win, although I like the Australian one - Must of gone to the same sunday school.

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    And did those feet in ancient time

    Walk upon englands mountains green?

    And was the holy lamb of god

    On englands pleasant pastures seen?

    And did the countenance divine

    Shine forth upon our clouded hills?

    And was jerusalem builded here

    Amongst these dark satanic mills?

    Bring me my bow of burning gold

    Bring me my arrows of desire

    Bring me my spear: o clouds unfold!

    Bring me my chariot of fire.

    I will not cease from mental fight

    Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand

    Till we have built jerusalem

    In englands green and pleasant land.

    The other Races?

    Well we need someone to beat at Rugger old Chap!!

    Tip Top and Tally Ho!!

    Source(s): Oh shit thats right I'm Australian!!
  • I think your premise is false since rugby is a sport where gay men pretend to be manly. Therefore it would not be allowed in heaven. Chuck Heston played Moses, George Burns played God in the movies.

    Therefore God will let all who believe on the name of Jesus enter the kingdom of heaven. Also, I was kind of hoping that Baseball would be the official sport of heaven.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    OK, God's secret is out. Obviously, He created those other races to give the English some butts to kick playing rugby...

    He'll keep them "on tap" for His Rugby buddies in Heaven for when they get tired of kicking the fire out of one another...

    You won't hear about this in Sunday School. You have to have graduated, and entered the "inner sanctum" to hear this sort of stuff.

    ~Your friendly neighborhood Religious Bible Pusher

  • 1 decade ago

    Hmm if rugby is heavens sport that makes South Africa Gods people surely or New Zealanders

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you probably just sing in heaven. And maybe play shuffleboard. Women play bingo, I think.

    I'm sure the NY Times would know the answer... ask them.

    But since the Democrats think they just elected God, my best guess is that you'd play basketball.

  • 1 decade ago

    Heston never existed. Germans are sitting on the English throne. I prefer darts.

  • 1 decade ago

    God created humans not races of humans. The races of the human race were created with the Tower of Babel. Some people who belong to the Catholics will be saved, but some people who are Jews, as Adventist, as Methodist, as Islamic, as Orthodox as Pentecostal, as many religions will have some who are saved. You see the God I server I can't say is or isn't of my race or even religion, but the God I serve came to save all who believe in Him and love Him.

  • After this weekend, I suspect that God supports the Boks and keeps England around for light entertainment.

    B x

  • Dawn W
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    He created the others for English ladies.

  • 1 decade ago

    Um... I think you'll find Mr Heston is American. And a bit of a crazy gun-worshipper at that

    Oh, and god doesn't exist

    I might also suggest that rugby players are slightly crazier than fundamentalists - running around in the freezing cold, rain & mud attempting to throw each other face-first into the mire, all in the name of fun. Nutters, the lot of them

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