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What's your favorite David Archuleta AOL Sessions video?

David Archuleta's AOL Sessions videos were released today. These are videos of David and his band performing five songs from his album.

You can probably find them on YouTube by searching for Archuleta Sessions, or here is the link to the original videos (press Next below the video there to move to the next one):


Fans only please, no haters.

3 Answers

  • Favourite answer

    Yeah, I saw those!

    Omg, I loved Touch My Hands, listening to his falsetto is definately* the best way to die. And I liked You Can alot too.

    I think he did a fantastic* job with ALL the songs, he is definately getting stronger vocally.

    Iactually prefer those to the CD versions.

    But I wish he coul've sang all the songs man!

    I was kinda mad that they didn't show David's face in ALTNOY during the high parts though,

    And wow, he's getting sexier!

    No one can call him "baby-faced" now, because he looks like a MAN.

    I've waited a long time for those,

    And I am not* dissappointed.

    Source(s): Oh, and the Archugaze at the beginning and end of Crush was committing suicide, Oh hot damn!
  • I haven't been able to watch them yet... My internet is being slow right now. But once I see them, i'll tell you which is my favorite! But it will probably be all of them cuz he is so good!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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