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What is good Xmas Gift for girlfriend?
We been together few months and shes mid twenties,thanks.
8 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavourite answer
Something meaningful, like handmade gifts...
This website helps you to have some inspiration, hehehe
hope you like it!
- 1 decade ago
You could get her a digital photo frame with a bunch of pix of you two! You can always add more as the months go on! I found this cool website that has some pretty sweet deals on frames. They are so easy to use; all you have to do is download the pix onto the frame from anywhere remotely! She'll love it because it is personalized with your relationship in mind! Try it out!
Source(s): - 1 decade ago
I would get her a one of a kind piece of jewelry... I am in my mid-twenties too and I would love to get a new piece from my husband for any holiday!! Go to this website... This is a lady who is super cool, she is a glass bead artist and she makes things that are really unique, but SUPER AFFORDABLE!! She will totally work with you to incorporate your ideas or your gf's favorite colors, etc. She ships really fast too, so you can get it with time to spare!! I hope this helps!
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Well, if she likes to cook, why not help her revamp her kitchen with a cute, trendy apron or retro food scale.
- Stalking Kate(:Lv 41 decade ago
Something meaning full to her.
Make it special.
Make it yourself or buy it cheap.
Women basically don't like material things from their boyfriends/hubbys
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Ant farm.