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jimmyl929 asked in SportsHockey · 1 decade ago

San Jose vs Pittsburgh NHL finals?

These are the teams I think will meet in NHL finals this year,

do you agree or who is your choices.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    I don't think the pens will make it this year. They have a very tough division and the flyers and the rangers have more points then them. If the Pens can win most of their games and the other teams crumble then maybe. But the sharks. yes.

  • 4 years ago

    East a million. Boston 2. Philly 3. Carolina* 4. Washington* 5. New Jersey 6. Pittsburgh 7. Montreal 8. ny Rangers 9. Buffalo 10. Florida 11. Toronto 12. Tampa 13. Ottawa 14. Atlanta 15. ny Islanders * i think of Carolina will surpass Washington and win the SE branch. West a million. San Jose 2. Chicago 3. Vancouver 4. Calgary 5. Columbus 6. Detroit 7. St. Louis 8. Anaheim 9. Minnesota 10 l. a. 11. Edmonton 12. Phoenix 13. Nashville 14. Dallas 15. Colorado Detroit misplaced an magnificent form of skills in the offseason. i think of they misplaced 30-40 targets and a high quality decrease back up in Conklin.

  • 1 decade ago

    Boston vs. San Jose

  • 1 decade ago

    The way the standings are aligned today, the Penguins are going to have a tough run.

    If the season were to end today the first round would be


    Boston _Buffalo

    Rangers - Devils

    Caps - Penguins

    Canadiens - Flyers


    Sharks - Wild

    Red Wings - Nashville

    Canucks - Flames

    BlackHawks - Ducks.

    My guess In the second round

    Bruins will defeat the Devils

    Canadiens will best the Penguins

    Sharks will beat the Flames

    and the Blackhawks will edge out the Wings

    So in my scenario

    The Sharks will beat the Canadiens in seven for their first cup.

    Source(s): Remember where you heard it first.
  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry Jimmy I cannot agree. In the east I see Boston The west I know has seen good stuff from the Sharks but I still feel the Wings will give them a good race. The west is the tough pick.

  • 1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    The Penguins are not the best team in the east, the Flyers beat them 6-3. The Flyers have more points than them, and they have played the same amount of games. This is how the East is:

    1. Bruins

    2. Flyers

    3. Habs

    4. Penguins

    5. Rangers

    6. Capitals

    The West:

    1. Sharks

    2. Red Wings

    3. Canucks

    4. Blackhawks

    5. Ducks

    6. Flames

  • 1 decade ago

    i'd love to see the sharks & pens in the finals considering they are my favorite teams. I'd be rooting for the sharks though all the way. at this rate I dont think the pens will be there but the sharks have a great shot at winning the western conference & making it to the stanley cup finals. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    by the looks of it right now it be interesting to see boston and san jose. boston got 2 great goalies and i like san jose offence they looked so good against the edmonton the other week ago

  • Hearty
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    AT this point of the season, I would say San Jose and Boston.

    But, in the playoffs, San Jose has a history of choking and Boston, well they would be new.

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