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what does a pharmacist do?
To what extent do you think its necessary for pharmacists to dispense medicine prescribed by doctors? Could doctors not just dispense the medicine they prescribe themselves?
3 Answers
- LeaLv 71 decade agoFavourite answer
We check to make sure your physician did not choose something which would hurt/kill you. Physicians should not dispense medication because they'll be no one to check them. It'll just increase the number of drug errors. Most physicians do not want to get into the business of dispensing medications. It is very expensive and with a small margin of profit.
Source(s): pharmacy student - Anonymous1 decade ago
Doctors have to do the diagnosing.
Pharmacists are there, at a local level, to dispense medicines, and went through years of schol to be qualified to do so.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Docters diagnose, pharmacists just give you the medications=]]