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now that the shoe is on the other foot?
the US killed almost 167 civilians in Afganastan and accused the Taliban of using human shield...where is the uproar? Palestinians using neighborhoods to launch missles is a fact but many were very against the Israeli response...what is the right thing to do? i dont think drinking lemonade and singing we are the world will work
3 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade agoFavourite answer
Do you really think that that equates to the shoe being on the other foot? Things are so simple in your world. Must be nice...
- Anonymous1 decade ago
uhh...pat on the back for being informed??
the one thing you can do is to get a grammar tutor
so others can understand your question better.
that way, you can spread your wisdom more quickly.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
ok so are we going to vote you in as the next President?
Go for it.