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What am I missing in heaven?

Since I am not a believer. I am not going there but I can not imagine what it would be like.

If I have a body, what age am I? Do different people see me as i was last remembered - from baby to old man? Can a body exist without desires? Does an eternity worshiping sound better than annihilation?

Is the whole concept of heaven just too bizarre?


My question has a point. I can't wait and find out what heaven is like as I am doomed to burn forever according to you Christians, so I am asking what your reward will be.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Yeah, it's quite bizarre. I think I'll get a catholic priest to answer these questions. Then again... a catholic priest's understanding of heaven must be quite different.....

  • Trey J
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    we dont know ur age. i would imagine the same ages as Adam an EVe were when placed inthe garden seeming as they were adults already. but i do know that u wont ever age.

    es people will see u different b/c u will have a new name, celestial body, heavenly form etc. this is written...

    a body cannot exist without desires but a spirit can!

    worshipping for eternity vs. annihilaton is subjective to the inidivual. pick a side and enure the consequence

    As a beleiver the concept is bizzare and totally illogical but with GOd all things are possible and the spirit helps us understand truth. Good luck with whateva u decide

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Perhaps heaven is more than what others and their writings describe. After all an observer can only describe what they experience and only in terms of their awareness. An example. If/when you view a young child's drawing/picture what do you see? When you ask the child about the drawing what do you hear? Do you even understand what is being said? Often I do not - and they are my children. Reality is what you experience, the rest are stories. Others believe what they choose. Is there something to explore beyond others stories and/or the mind? A step in awareness is realizing YOU are more than others descriptions of you and more than your own description (although yours is the best).

    To quote an author, I can not remember the name of; "argue for your limitations and sure enough they are yours". Look for hints.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus promised his disciples will shine like the sun in his Father's kingdom. That's how high one's interior life and perception of God will be.

    Why decide you're not going there? You don't know until that happens.

    Until then Jesus and God are offering you the possibility if you agree with them and what Jesus reveals about God in his gospels. Even scripture says no one can imagine what it is like, higher than human conception:far better.Why not say yes to God instead of no? Which way does it reason will have better effects?

    Jesus showed by his own real life example we will have the bodies we have now but in heaven God will make us be all perfect, transcending space and time free of its limitations, the perfect age for you all thinking perfectly enlightened knowing, understanding all.There all desires are perfectly satisfied in knowing God and his infinitely perfect love directly consciously.

    Only erroneous ideas about heaven are what seem bizarre to you. Read the Book of Revelation in the Bible last book. These are written in a literary form of symbolic code language early Christians could understand while the Roman pagan oppressors thought it was a popular way of writing apochraphal stories in those days.It was a death sentence to be Catholic (the only Christians in the first 1000 years)in the first three centuries.

    Don't believe those judgmental so called Christians who imagine they know God's judgment based on their interpretation of the Bible. In love for you God desires you unite with him eternally in joy and happiness by means of faith in Jesus the way God provides for coming to him. God is my reward according to Jesus.

    I know all this as a happy effect of being Catholic. I have seen and experienced that the whole universe is almost nothing compared to the way Jesus is now in all of God's glory, infinitely perfect love and mercy as his essence the divine source of all life that is.Yours too.

  • No way is it bizarre, man. It's the bomb up here. I've been praising this guy whom I've been a slave too since I came out of the womb. Ah man, it's great. He even let me answer your question cuz I said I thought slavery, sexism, and genocide were good things! He sure does have a mighty erection which I'm surprised you can't see from down there on Earth! He thinks it's funny how you humans ponder why he put you on that floating rock where there is no reachable intelligent life outside of your own. We're not intelligent at all!

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe the idea of heaven is simply that it is joy unending, in a fashion incomprehensible to our feeble human brains. Since we cannot properly apprehend the extreme severity of the joy, there are more graphic descriptions whether it's playing the harp or going to a Star Trek convention (i.e. piles of virgins). But that's sort of a guess.

  • Frank
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    As you say you are not a believer that means you do not believe that Heaven exists so that makes your question absolutely pointless. Why would you want to know what a non-existent place will be like - UNLESS you are not as sure of your unbelief as you would like us to think you are. You need to make your mind up so that you DON'T miss out..

  • 1 decade ago

    Probably Fire because they need a lot of it to fire Hell and not enough to fill Heaven with it.

    They will give you some thunder to fry eclectic your foods

    Some Seraphim's probably quiting their jobs in heaven so be replace by 11 vampires for 1 Seraphim's gone.

    Some Rams is gone replaced by some Seagoats because they moved their home to Hell

  • 1 decade ago

    You are missing all the cool people in hell. Which by the way is 99% of the human race since nobody could live by an insane amount of rules.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    there is no way of knowing what the afterlife would be like so i'm not sure where you derived the belief that it would only be an eternity of worshiping

    Source(s): :irreligious believer:
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