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Does channel nine broadcast in Digital in Perth?

I've scanned my HYDTV a number of times and get every channel except channel nine.

I have the latest outdoor antannae and is pointed straight at the transmission towers in Bickley. In fact it even picks up the Annalogue TV repeater in Roleystone really well.

I get channel nine really well in analogue.

I get all the other Digital TV and Radio channels with excellent signal strength.

But no channel nine. Not even the new GO channel.

What gives?


Someone said channel nine digital might is using a lower power and has thousands of black spots through out Perth where it simply can't get picked up. I dont know. But I'd like a technical answer if someone knows the exact cause.

2 Answers

  • Stuie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Yes they now have 3 channels 9,90,99 on your scanner they have been updating to bring in the new channel 99 GO,I run a scan on my setbox today & it pick up all the channels.

    Source(s): I honestly ran a scan to get GO channel today.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    That does sound strange, do you have another tv or digital box in your house and have tried on that one?

    Are you perhaps getting WIN instead. Not that that would explain why you aren't getting GO, but where I am we have WIN not NINE.

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