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Big ADT asked in HealthOther - Health · 1 decade ago

Headache for a week, not a migraine, HELP!?

So, I've had a headache for the past week, at first Ibuprofen and Excedrin worked. But after a few days they stopped working. Now even if I take the maximum dose it doesn't even start to help. I haven't been noticing any problems reading, but I do use the computer a lot. I don't know what to do, should I go see my doctor??

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Get your Eyes checked out

    you may need glasses,


    do you have a glare filter over you PC monitor

    It is recommended if you use it a lot for typing, and similar things


    Any ear infection - but that could affect you balance too

    Does wearing sunglasses help?

  • 1 decade ago

    First check this out. Feel the muscles in the back of your neck. Are they tense? Check the muscles on your upper back and shoulders. Are they tense?

    If so, you may be able to have the headache cured by getting somebody to give your neck and upper back a good massage. Massage until the the muscles are softened and not tense. The headache should get better immediately as the muscles are relaxed.

    You might still want to take the ibuprofen or whatever, to keep it from coming back, as the muscles will probably want to tense up again.

    Also, you can go to the drug store to the "external pain relief" section. They sell patches that you put on the skin wherever the muscles are tense or painful, and leave it on. This is a really big help.

    Now, if your muscles are not tense at all, of course, this won't help your headache; but this is a really common cause of persistent headache.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's possible that your headache is being caused by a strain on your eyes from using the computer too much. Another possibility is that something changed in your house environment in the past week (say there's mold growing somewhere you go often).

  • 1 decade ago

    definitely see your doctor. it may be a symptom of a greater ailment. request a CT scan, just to be safe. When my aunt had a brain tumor it caused her persistent headaches. She did not see a doctor about it, so she ended up dying. I'm not saying that will happen to you (and i pray that it doesn't) but if i were you, i wouldn't downplay anything, and would seek medical attention immediately. Besides, if it turns out to be nothing, then you can have some peace of mind, and your doctor can then cross that off their list and you can discuss other causes and solutions.

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