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laura p asked in PetsHorses · 1 decade ago

Anyone know my horses sire?

I have been trying and trying to fine any info on my appaloosa mares sire. His name is Grandy's Dream and he was an appaloosa. Dose anyone know anything about him? The rest of her blood line is at BTW.

Dose anyone know anywhere I could be looking for him?


On the HYPP thing she is n/n.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    well all breed is great for finding lost info..if you didnt find it there.. uhm.. if you are an appy member you can check out and look up pedigrees and all sorts of info on there. Thats how i found most of my info on my appy's parents.

    if that doesnt work try emailing anyone from the ApHC they will try to help or get in contact with the old owners.

    OH. ps. on all breed if you know maybe the grandparents or great grand parents of your horse backtrack and then try to move forward.. sometimes it helps. :)

    PS. i have a prince plaudit appy too. Thats a great bloodline!

    Source(s): i ride, train, show my appy mare.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Unfortunately your mare goes back to the Quarter Horse Impressive at least 3 times, you should have her tested for HYPP. There are some pretty good old horses way back on the sire and dams pedigree that are pretty good horses. If you do not know anything about HYPP you should read up on it, it can kill a horse in just a few minutes, but if your horse test positive H/H or n/H there are certain types of supplements you can feed them to keep them from having the HYPP symptoms, even if she never had one does not mean she will not.

  • charm
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Ew, Ron is very right. What's worse, your horse's grandma was N/H according to the allbreed registry. Get your horse tested, unless it says on it's papers that it is N/N.

    Your horse's sire is a mystery. I can't even find a birthdate for him, so no idea where to start there. He only has 4 foals listed, so I'm thinking either he was also n/H and they quit breeding him, or he really wasn't stallion material. Dreamfinder was a top notch stallion, but he was also bred to just about everything. There is no guarantee his babies are anything worthwhile.

    Overall, you have a decently bred horse. At least she isn't a total unknown. The HYPP thing is a big question for me. You could try contacting ApHC to find out who owns the sire, and then contact the owners. That may yield more information for you. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Did you buy from a breeders sale? They usually have all this information.

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