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Are your property taxes too high! Values drop, taxes rise....?

Example: I'm in Cook County, Illinois. My taxes went up almost 40% this year. I filed an appeal. They reduced the increase by 1%. So I had a net 39% increase. At the same time, my home value dropped almost 22%. They are not talking about dropping the home-owners exemption - that saves me around $2200 a year. If that happens, I'll be paying $700 per month for a 1300 SQFT home with a teeny-tiny yard.

My income is down - thanks to the "changed" economy. Business has dried up. The county's tax base is not producing, so they nail the homeowners. This effects everyone. Rent? Look for a huge rent increase. Mortgage? Look for a large monthly payment increase.

Are my taxes too high?

Oh yea.


Should mention Cook County - the elections for County Board are a joke. People are ordained, not elected. The last incumbent died in office. The position was given to his son, a no-account, no-talent hack who bankrupted the county, put his friends and family in all the high paying positions, and thinks he is lord and master of the county.

He even demanded a PRIVATE elevator with guard - and got it. Until the media got wind of the story!

3 Answers

  • xg6
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    If I understand your figures, $700 a month comes to $8400 a year. That is about average where I live (I pay less because I live across the street from a factory that runs 24 hrs a day). Yes, your taxes are too high, but so are mine and a lot of others. The only thing I can say is to vote every election, go to every town hall meeting and talk to every politician in town to let them know how you feel.

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Property Record Search Database :
  • 5 years ago

    i presumed council tax became based on the dimensions of a persons' lodging already . As for taxing the persons who artwork greater, i think of that`s very unfair. What with regard to the persons who refuse to artwork and proceed to exist benifits. everybody needs police, fireplace and ambulance amenities at it sluggish for the period of their lives why could in basic terms a piece of the inhabitants pay for it?. everybody needs their rubbish cleared. There could be a service tax and "all of us" could pay a piece of that cost.

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