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Can anybody list all the hospitals that have closed in Perth over the last 50 years?

I know of a few like St John of God Hospital in Rivervale, Mt Henry Hospital, Hillview Hospital, Bicton Hospital, and Woodside Hospital, but I believe there are many others. I saw one in Spencer St, Yokine which looked as though it could just reopen, and I was told there was a block of flats at 159 Hubert St, East Vic Park named after the hospital that used to occupy the same site..

For posterity shake it'd be nice to have a list of all Perth Hospitals and the year that they closed down somewhere.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Apart from the above ones , there are also the Mental health Hospitals which closed down from

    Claremont area to Be replaced into the Bentley area. And also part of the Armadale Hospital separate unit.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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