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people who own a ps3 and xbox 360, i need your thoughts?

im just curious of those of you who own both of these consoles is there any games that you prefer on a certain console, like saying you played a multi platform game on both consoles but your thought it was better on the ps3 for example. reason i ask i that i just got a ps3 and i have a lot of games on the 360 an i really dont want to get two different copies of the same game. so your thoughts on ANY games would be appreciated! thanks

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    The majority of multi-platform games will look better on the 360. Most games like that are developed for the 360 (as it is a much easier process than for the PS3) and then ported to the PS3. Which is why the PS3 versions are generally a little worse.

    On the other hand, PS3 exclusives tend to look better than 360 exclusives.

    Dont buy the same game again just to have it on the PS3, that's a waste of money. Not because the PS3 is bad (i prefer it) but because its only a minor difference between multiplatform games, and that money could be used on a game you havent got yet.

    Dragon Age is a notable exception to the multiplatform rule, as it looks quite a bit better on the PS3

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    most multi platforms are better on xbox for many reasons that I dont have the energy to go through. PS3 fanboys claim otherwise without any evidence.

    I have both consoles. If it wasnt for a few exclusives (MGS4, Uncharted, Demons Souls etc...)and blu ray that thing would be garbage. Other than that the thing is literally never on.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well the PS3 often has extra bonus material that the Xbox doesn't, For example Batman Arkham Asylum has bonus Joker missions. The reason is because the Xbox has data storage of 30 gigs and the PS3 has 50. so that leaves close to double the amount of storage for better graphics and bonus material. My opinion PS3 all the way!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    continually purchase fps on the xbox because of the fact the controller is allot greater useful than the ps3 for those video games and continually purchase scuffling with video games on the ps3 because of the fact the d pad on the ps3 controller is allot greater useful. photographs clever there extremely is rarely no great distinction in any respect between the two. The ps3 additionally shall we you back up video games to the no longer easypersistent so which you shrink loading situations.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, if you have fallout 3, just stick to it on the 360. the gameplay and frame rate is much better on the 360 seeing as Fallout originally started out with Microsoft.

  • 1 decade ago

    Im in that same situation.... what i did was i sold most of my xbox games on ebay/ exept the games i like and bought the best rated game on ps3 and that game was COD modern warfare 2 ,, and uncharted 2 so....... those two games are your best choice.

  • 1 decade ago

    well the ps3 is the best overall console but the xbox360 is the best online console depends on what your planing to do with your console. but for the games things there are barely and games that are only x clusive to these consoles only

    Source(s): chacha text 242242 its a mobile answers
  • 1 decade ago

    ps3 is the best game you should get gta 5 skate 2 cod 5 cod 6 fifa 10 gh5 fall out 3 bioshock 2 red dead redemption

  • 1 decade ago

    xbox i would like modern warfare 2, but ps3 i would like bioshock 2 or skate 2 or anyother games, war games just work only for me on xbox

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