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Lv 5
paki asked in TravelFranceParis · 1 decade ago

eurodisney + Eiffel tower: we will be visiting paris in early sep this year, we wanna c disney & effile tower?

we will stay 4 days and 3 nights in paris.. we r 2 adults + one 9 years old kid. i need few tips for this vacations.

1). should we stay in one of the hotels on disney resort or staying outside disney in city CENTRE is more economical.

2). best way to transport between disney, city and Eiffel tower, taxi or rent a car

3). bringing own food in disney is allowed or we have to buy from inside restaurants.

how far is Eiffel tower from disney by much is the ticket for Eiffel tower.

4). can u please give me links to reasonable family hotels/motels in paris

thanks in advance: any other suggestion will be also appreciated

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer


    It is better so long you want to visit Disneyland, to book a hotel room close to Disneyland, otherwise, if you book a hotel in Paris, you will waste your time in traffic jam.

    If you don't want to spend too much money, you can have a look at the hotel Kyriad in Magny le Hongre, quite close to Disneyland, and you can benefit from free shuttle, to go to Disney.

    The Hotel Richemont located in Meaux, is also a good choice.

    You cannot take your own food inside Disneyland.

    Once your visit at Disney is finished, then book a hotel room in Paris, and so visit Paris quietly.

    The Lux hotel is not too expensive, as well as the Family Residence, quite close to the Eiffel Tower, or the hotel Garden saint martin.

    Public transport is very convenient, the official website is

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    1. Stay in Paris; hotels at Disney Resort are horrible and very expensive.

    2. Train. Don't even dream of driving in Paris.

    3. Obviously you can't take your own food.

    4. Motels obviously do not exist in Paris. Buy a guide.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm sure, if you're spending the bulk of your time at Disney, it would behoove you to use their hotels.

    Transport to city - trains. Use the metro once in the city.

    I doubt you can bring food into Disney. You can't at any of their other parks.

    Nope...sorry, no help on that. I've searched, and I don't find ANYTHING reasonable.

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