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Lv 5
paki asked in TravelFranceParis · 1 decade ago

Paris Visite Pass? disney zone and eiffel tower zone?

what zone is in Eiffel tower and disneyland?

will be in paris in july for 3 days and we decide to use paris metro/ public transport....we will stay near disney and wanna visit both disney and Eiffel tower....if we buy 2 day 1-3 zone pass can we visit both attractions by using this pass or we have to buy 1-6 zone pass...please help.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    Disney is in zone 5.

    You could buy a zone 1-5 Mobilis pass for 13.20 euros which would cover anywhere you might like to travel for the day. The Mobilis pass costs the same as two one way, zone 1-5 tickets.

    If you are looking at the Paris Visite pass, it is available only in zone 1-3 or 1-6 varieties. A 3 day, zone 1-6 pass is 40.50. Three zone 1-5 Mobilis passes, which you can purchase at the same time, would cost 39.60. Thus the Mobilis pass is cheaper but invalid for travel to/from the airports.

    If you are staying near Disney, it is unlikely you will want to travel each day into Paris making the Paris Visite pass very unattractive. Simply purchase the Mobilis passes for the day(s) you travel into Paris.

    If you have children, those under 4 travel free as long as they do not occupy a seat. Children under 10 may purchase tickets at 50% discount. There is a Mobilis jeune pass valid on the weekends for which they would qualift at 6.60 euros.

  • 4 years ago

    Zones 1-3 Paris

  • 1 decade ago

    The Eiffel Tower is in transport zone 1. Disneyland is in transport zone 6. So you would need the 1-6 zone pass.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Eiffel Tower is in Arrondissement #7. Disneyland is outside of the city of Paris. If you want to go there, I would suggest staying closer to the park.

    Source(s): I'm traveling too Paris for New Years this year.
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    dlrp ToT... one hundred twenty ft if i remember properly!?! swifter than gravity!!(nicely you get lifted out of your seat!!) 13 flooring thrice and lasts 2 minutes 24 seconds, its precise velocity is 39mph the construction (Paris version) is 183ft tall with a 40 feet basement (by ability of far the tallest construction at dlrp and it particular is a great view!!!!! even if it quite is in simple terms the 2nd maximum charm in Paris, the Panoramagic is going larger and is way less frightening lol) i couldnt end shaking when I have been given off lol dam those 5 min que lines!!!!! our bellhop replace into the suitable sooooo creepy, you will desire to tell that he quite enjoyed his activity... that and carressing the door lmao I hate rollercoasters and thrill rides yet identity deffinatly do this one back!! listed under are some secrets and techniques... *on the itemizing in the Hollywood Tower hotel foyer, a number of the letters that have fallen off spell "evil Tower U R doomed". *The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror replace into surely struck by ability of lightning for the duration of shape. *by ability of the concierge table in the hotel foyer, there's a 13-diamond award. extremely, it basically is going as much as 5. *Room 259 in the Tower of Terror is the motor room. it quite is room 259 with the aid of fact it quite is 259ft above water point. *The Hollywood Tower hotel replace into commonly used in 1917. *the baggage in the foyer is an entire set produced from genuine alligator epidermis. *there's a dummy room close to the precise of the hotel. At night you will see that a gentle in the window the place there sounds like there's a room. that is quite basically a gentle yet no genuine room.

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