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What do you get when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?
8 Answers
- IsabelaLv 51 decade ago
The question is not answerable. There cannot exist an immovable object in the same place as an unstoppable force.
- ?Lv 71 decade ago
That question was answered in an old Superman Comic Book many many years ago. The real Superman was standing fast holding his ground when the evil cloned Superman traveled at light speed and hit the good Superman square in the chest. Time stopped and the Earth as well as the Universe disappeared and only the bad and good Superman were left to battle it out. I don't remember how the good Superman won but once the bad Superman was vanquished then the Universe returned to normal.
- TitoBobLv 71 decade ago
Annihilation of both objects. Or you can just keep singing the song "Something's Gotta Give" to learn the musical answer.
Source(s): Retired science teacher and amateur musician