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me, my husband & my son came to pakistan for visit, my husband took our canadian passports in his possesion?

we came to pakistan 3 months ago to visit our families, here we had seperation and my husband took our passports and refused to give them back, i contacted canadian ambessy in pakistan , they are issuing me a new passport but refused to give a a new passport for my son without his fathers consent... plz advise me what to do...


can i get emergency sole custody from canadian court.. i can show the papers to canadian embessy and they can issue my sons passport (remember my son is with me in pakistan)

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    I think there's more to this story than you're letting on.

    Okay, so let me get this straight:

    1. You, your husband, and your son are in Pakistan. Presumably you are dual citizens, since both Canada and Pakistan allow dual citizenship.

    2. You are trying to take your son back to Canada WITHOUT his father's consent, and without taking it to a court of law.

    3. Essentially, you are planning to do what is officially known as a "child abduction" -- you are trying to grab your kid without either your husband's consent or the consent of a court of law.

    4. Your husband is trying to prevent a child abduction by illegally withholding your passport.

    Neither party here sounds very righteous. You're trying to deprive your husband of contact with his son, and your husband is guilty of theft. You need to get this thing sorted out in a COURT OF LAW.

    Sorry, I don't assist people in abducting children.

    The Hague Convention specifically prohibits abducting one's own children and depriving them from their father (or mother) without going to a COURT OF LAW. Maybe Pakistan has not signed this convention, but Canada certainly has. What you are planning to do (taking your Pakistani dual citizen child out of Pakistan without his father's permission) is ILLEGAL.

    It is little wonder that the Canadian embassy won't help you if your son is a dual citizen. Canada cannot interfere in the internal matters of foreign countries (and this is an internal matter, since your son is likely a Pakistani dual citizen).

    Rather than illegally abduct your child, I'd recommend working out your differences with your husband. If that's not possible, go to a court of law and get this thing settled.

    Source(s): Over ten years experience overseas, and I'm aware of the Hague Convention and child abductions are a very serious matter
  • 1 decade ago

    First, I am very sorry about what you are going through. Do you think you can approach your husband in a calm, rational way? He is probably not going to listen to you though, because this is a very emotional time for him. He must be deeply embarassed by this situation. Anyway, on to the main question. Is it possible to ask for legal help either from Canadian lawyers or Pakistani lawyers? Please go back to the embassy and explain the whole situation to them. The Canadian government rightly fears an international child abduction by one parent. Thats why it is taking those steps to ask for fathers consent. Good luck.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I don't think anyone on YA is going to be able to help you if your embassy can't. Most countries aren't going to let you take a child out of the country without parental consent. The only way I can think is to bribe someone to let you and your son (without ID) on a plane to Canada and once there ask for political asylum for your son.

    I'm sorry that you married a psychopath.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your son is also your husbands son. Neither of you can keep your son in a different country. Clearly your husband wants to keep him in Pakistan and you want to return to Canada with him. Sounds to me like you need to consult with a lawyer immediately.

  • 1 decade ago

    this is why i wont let my husband take my son to visit egypt....u never know whats going to happen. sadly, there isnt much u can do. if ur divorced, try to go to the court and have him return the passports for u and ur son, thats all u can do for now i think. probably wont happen, but trying wont hurt i guess

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    -get the canadian media's attention

    -send emails to the harper government - they will listen

    -when sending emails - CC the local mayors, MPs, CBC canada, CTV, and everyone at harper government as well as the canadian embassy in Canada

    -file a divorce and find lawyers for yourself

    -odds are very high that the government will speak to the pakistani embassy and get them to make your son's passport

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    who are you to say 'and they can issue my son's passport''.

    you don't have any more rights to the child than he does.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Take the legal course.

  • 1 decade ago

    get divorced with sole custody of your child

  • 1 decade ago

    go tell your jerk off EX husband to give the pass ports back before you ***** slap him back to the civil war

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