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How to save playlists to iTouch 4th gen?

Whenever I make a playlist on my iTouch and try to save it the computer clears it off the next time I get on my iTouch. Granted the laptop is not my home computer, but still it should save it. Any help appreciated!

Thanks in advance,


1 Answer

  • 10 years ago

    Have you tried backing it up with itunes? Thanks for your answer, you really helped a lot. Can you please help me out with my other question? Thank you!!!

    Source(s): I also can't go too big since my car is just a 2000 Honda Civic Si and do not want to take up the whole trunk. My subs are two RE Audio SDD12D4 wired down to 1 ohm on a Rockford Fosgate T1500-1bd amp.;_ylt=Atg5U... gO7sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110621170711AAWFQaC
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