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What sides would go well with this dish?

I'm making chicken w/alfredo sauce and pasta. I also am making garlic, herb and cheese covered french bread. What veggie or anything else would go well with this side? I'm having a girl over for dinner and don't want to jack it up.

Thanks in advance,


11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Okay, this will be the perfect side dish for your pasta: Buy a couple of zucihnni and one yellow onion and one garlic clove. Slice the zuchinni and chop up the garlic and onions. Put a liberal amount of olive oil in a frying pan and turn on medium heat and saute all of the ingredients together. Don't overcook the garlic so it's burnt. Use enough olive oil so it doesn't dry out. Zuchinni soaks up oil fast. It will smell great and your girlfriend will think you're some type of master Italian chef.

    This is easy, so don't jack it up. ;)

  • 10 years ago

    You already have two starches between the pasta and the bread so you don't want to have any more of those. You have the protein covered with the chicken.

    Alfredo tends to be pretty "blah" in color and you don't add too much more with the bread so I personally would go with a vegetable medley to add color to the dish. Maybe a mix of different colored grilled bell peppers, onion, and summer squash (both yellow and green). If you don't have a grill just slice them up, toss them with some olive oil and seasonings, and put them on a baking sheet to toss into the oven at 450 for 15-20 min.

    Edit: I agree, a salad to start would be good too. Just a basic caesar salad would work.

  • JennyP
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Salad. If you're planning on a more romantic evening, you might lighten up on the carbs a bit since they'll make you feel sleepy. Have you considered something like chicken Parmesan with a side of angel hair pasta? Very easy to make, tastes wonderful, and will give you lot of protein so you can extend your evening. No? Then consider making the pasta so you can feed each other. Try romaine leaves with Caesar dressing (again, you can feed each other). Good luck!

  • 10 years ago

    Instead of a veggie as a side dish, you could cook up some broccoli and asparagus and mix it right in with your main dish. I make this all the time and I like it much better with the veggies mixed into the pasta as opposed to eating them on the side. Even if you want to just steam the broccoli, you can buy a frozen "steamer" bag of broccoli, toss it into the microwave, drain any extra fluid and then just toss it into the dish. Super simple!

  • 10 years ago

    Some Italian green beans with slices or mushrooms if you like, a salad to start would be nice,

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    important dish... regularly alongside with something else... besides the indisputable fact that that's the biggest element on the table... it is also what I eat the most of, because my mom makes this scrumptious selfmade macaroni and cheese that easily owns my abdomen!!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Sweet peas would be great with that. If you want to be really special get the sweet peas with tiny onions and mushrooms.

  • 10 years ago

    Screw veggies, champagne, dim the lights, slow jams and candle lights will help you get it in tonight lol

  • 10 years ago

    caesar salad

  • 10 years ago

    asparagus. or just a side salad.

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