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plz translate this message into english from french?
some one send me this message in french but i don't know what it means in english,,, plz translate into english (word by word) for me thanks.
message is:
"Bonsoir, je suis vraiment désolée probablement que vous êtes trompée de personne, je ne suis pas la bonne personne que vous cherchez en plus j'ai rien compris de ce que vous êtes en train de me raconter"
4 Answers
- 9 years agoFavourite answer
Good evening, I'm really sorry that you are probably the wrong person, I'm not the right person you are looking for more I understood nothing of what you're telling me "
- MN HEATLv 79 years ago
"Good evening, I'm probably really sorry that you're wrong person, I am not the right person you are looking for more nothing I understood what you are telling me"
- Lupus MortisLv 79 years ago
Good evening, l'm really sorry, you probably got the wrong person, l'm not the right one you're looking for, what's more l didn't understand anything about what you're telling me.
- 9 years ago
"Hi, I'm really sorry that you are probably the wrong person, I'm not the right person you are looking for more I understood nothing of what you're telling me"
Source(s): Google translate