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Can't find footage...?

I'm trying to find a dash cam video of a traffic stop where a state trooper got into an altercation with an individual who ended up pulling a knife on the trooper. The trooper had to use both hands to keep the guy from stabbing him, so he was unable to get to his weapon. Being stuck in this position the trooper saw a semi-truck coming and had no choice but to kick the suspect into the path of the semi. I for life of me can't find the video. Some help please!

Thanks in advance!


2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    hey lux if i was u i would forget befor you become a hood ornament.dont worry the stateies know where it is

  • Archer
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Hey the guy got what he asked for, a life threatening altercation and he lost. Good job to the cop. One less to worry about. I would like a copy just to see the dumb shits eyes when he realized he had lost the fight.

    One for law enforcement!

    Good job.

    Source(s): 10 years law enforcement.
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