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Laptop Cooling Pad Suggestions Needed...Plz Help !!!?
My laptop is growing old and getting heated. I would like to know which is the best laptop cooling pad available in the market. (Any suggestions on what to look for one will also be helpful as I can search for local/international brands with appropriate specifications)
Your suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
2 Answers
- ?Lv 79 years ago
I own an older version of this one. Have had it close to 4 years now. It is a little louder then it was when new but still works. The powered 4 port USB hub comes in handy for me too. It will run off the supplied AC adapter or with the cable to a USB port on the laptop. It is a little pricey though. Check out the link below. You might want to give the laptop a good cleaning though. Chances are that will help with your problem. Hope this helps. Good Luck.
- 9 years ago
I have found that any cool pad is good some just charge more for the name. So just get any pad around $25 and you will be fine.