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Why do I keep falling for the wrong guy?

I am always carefull who I go out with but it trns out I am not as great a judge of character as I thought I was. All of them turn out to the same, telling me what they want me to be but careless for me. like an idiot I always try to conform to their standards and I always get the short end of the stick!

Is something wrong with me?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    My advice is to never conform to any guys standards. They will most likely become uninterested or stray later on, which probably has happened to you a few times. It's time to stand your ground, be happy, confident and do things on your terms. Once you've accomplished this, you'll find the right guy for you.

    It's difficult to look at a person and judge their character, as many people hide their true self and lie as well. It takes time to get to know people and that's why you've been disappointed after getting to know them. Perhaps do some meditation to develop higher intuition, so that you can use your gut feelings when judging a persons character. That's probably the only way to prevent from meeting the wrong person. Otherwise, it's best to try to find someone at College, work or through reliable friends, where you get plenty of time to get to know someone.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Maybe you are a bit shallow? A lot of guys like bad boys or a certain type. Some girls like being treated like crap without knowing it. Have a good look at the type of guys you are dating.

  • 9 years ago


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