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I'm asking Car Audio now..?

I asked the tattoo section for help and no one did, so I'm asking you guys. Any ideas for a tattoo that could represent my love for car audio/video and 12v installations? I was thinking maybe a sine-wave somehow put into the design or thing a like that. Thanks in advance guys!

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    If you are looking for other people to recognize the tatto, I'd recommend a collage of some different logos. Rockford-Fosgate, Digital Designs, Kicker, JL Audio, MTX, Infinity, and Memphis all have logos that would be appropriate. And the manufacturers will be treated to some free advertising.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    a nice set dual coil sub woofers with wiring and amplifier juicing the subs.

    Source(s): installer
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