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tadamasa asked in PetsCats · 9 years ago

My cat has claw scars all over his face from the neighborhood cats, what can I do to stop them?

Hello, I just found that my innocent non-violent cat who loves going outside has been staying inside the house strangely. But just today, I found out that my cat has about 5 to 7 scars on his face. I know they are cat claw scars because they are straight and parallel to each other, also I hear those neighborhood cats fighting at night all the time.. I am soo pissed off that I want to literally strangle those violent scumbag cats that hurt my cat because my cat is soo nice and soo lazy!!!

Anyone know how I can deal with those cats?? I was thinking poison??

9 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    I'm sorry your nice cat was hurt. Wash off his face gently , wipe with some antiseptic solution like Betadine. You could also try putting a very thin amount of triple antibiotic ointment on the scratches. but don't put a lot since he may wash his face and get some on his paw & lick it. So don't put big blobs of the stuff.

    Maybe your cat is not always as non -violent as you think. For him to be scratched on his face might mean he was not exactly choosing flight over fight. While you are commiserating over his wounds, he may be thinking "Yeah but you shoulda seen the other guy!"

    I can understand being upset but YOU are the one responsible to keep him safe. Rather than come up with plots to very cruelly kill some other cats for acting on instinct, which still won't protect your cat from all dangers he could get into if allowed to wander around loose, it makes a lot more sense to take steps to keep him from even coming in contact with the other cats or dogs or wild animals.... or vehicles... Or other people who may be " thinking poison" or "thinking shooting".

    You might have some neighbour who is also tired of hearing the cats fighting or tired of cats (including yours) using his garden as a toilet. and decides to take lethal measures, and it could be your cat who gets killed. ( Just like if YOU cruelly put out poison you might get someone else's nice lazy pet cat who was out for a stroll and condemn him / her to a miserable death. You might even kill your own cat. )

    The ONLY way to protect your cat is to keep him on your property and stop letting him roam around loose. That means either keeping him indoors , providing places to climb, window perches etc. and maybe getting him used to wear a harness and you can take him out on a leash ( which is what I did with an adopted cat who had been on the streets and I know he would have got in fights if allowed to roam )

    or else build a secure outdoor cat enclosure. You'd need to make it with a top or with fence attachments on both sides - -to keep him in and keep others out.

    Here is a page with a bunch of links

    & here is a site w/ many photos of things people have built, some simple, some elaborate. There are a few pages of pictures.

    As far as those other cats, the best thing for them would be to get them fixed. Try to find out if there is some group in your area doing TNR ( trap neuter release) . Neutering does not totally stop fighting, but it usually lessens it since a lot of the fighting is over mating, plus intact cats are just usually more territorial due to the hormones. Plus obviously if neutered they won't be reproducing.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    its wonderful that you refuse to declaw an animal.. i do also..and my cats don't like the scratching posts however they do like the little flat things that do on the floor that look like they have wood in them.. they use them all the time.. also you can use plastic spray or bitter apple to deter the cats.. they also hate the smell of vinegar, mustard, and mint also giving them a piece of furniture (an old chair or something they already messed up) just for scratching while yelling, clapping hands, spraying water and aerosols every time you see her doing this somewhere other than the place you've given her may help.. also try placing a split log with catnip added on the floor horizontally (this can be messy so watch out) in a place where not many people are but not too small and see if she uses that.. remember to always use horizontal scratching things..i've found that cats like them better than vertical usually (despite them loving to scratch furniture while standing) either way good luck

  • 9 years ago

    Have a cat intervention. Sit all the involved cats around a peace pole and talk it out. Words are the best way, not fighting.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Poisoning someone's cat is an offense that can LAND YOU IN JAIL.

    Would YOU want to find YOUR cat poisoned?

    I didn't think so!

    There's NOTHING you can do about your cat getting into fights when you're letting it outside!!!

    Obviously your cat either doesn't know enough to stay away from the cats who attack it, or YOUR cat is doing the attacking, and is getting the beat down!

    Is your cat neutered? Unneutered cats go LOOKING for territory, causing fights.

    A trip to the vet may be in order.

    Source(s): 4 indoor-outdoor cats, all spay/neutered, who've NEVER been damaged outside.
  • PR
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Inside at night.

  • Julie
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    A cat should never be punished for what comes natural.

    Besides, combating violence with violence is not the answer. I would be mad too. But then again, I never allow my cats outdoors for this very reason. It is not safe for any cat these days. You take a chance on your cat being hurt every time you let him out.

    One of my most favorite cats was brutally tortured and then killed by some very mean boys. Since that day, all cats adopted afterwards were kept indoors. The three cats I have today are more content then any cats I had owned previously. They are happy, healthy and get plenty of exercise, but most of all they are safe.

    Below are 6 Valid Reason to Keep Your Pet Indoors

    1. Indoor Cats Do Not Get Hit by Cars

    2. Indoor Cats Are Safe From Predators and Dog Packs

    3. Indoor Cats Don't Create Neighbor Problems

    4. Indoor Cats Rarely Get Abscesses From Fighting

    5. Indoor Cats Rarely Contract Diseases From Other Cats

    6. Indoor Cats Are Safe From Human Abuse

  • 9 years ago

    I really hope you're a troll.

    Cats are gonna fight sometimes. If you don't want that to happen, keep your cat inside where he belongs! There are many dangers outside and not just other cats. Maybe those other cats are going home with scars; what if their owners put out poison for YOUR cat?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It's possible yeah

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    This is interesting

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