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Laser for S&W sw9ve...?

I have a S&W sw9ve and I'm looking for a laser that actually fits my rail. I bought a universal one and it didn't work. I saw this following link, but I just want to see what your opinions are (if you're well-versed in this topic):

Thanks in advance,


2 Answers

  • Mr. P
    Lv 5
    9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Smith & Wesson really pissed off a lot of people when they decided to make their own proprietary rail for the Sigma's instead of going with the long established Weaver/Picatinny rail. They sell an adapter that converts the Sigma rail to a Weaver/Picatinny rail for just a few bucks and this will solve your problem allowing you to use all those cheap laser and flashlight weapon mounted toys to your hearts content.

    Here you go I thought someone else would have followed my lead by now and posted you a link $9.51 and it's all yours.

  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Laser for S&W sw9ve...?

    I have a S&W sw9ve and I'm looking for a laser that actually fits my rail. I bought a universal one and it didn't work. I saw this following link, but I just want to see what your opinions are (if you're well-versed in this topic):...

    Source(s): laser sw9ve:
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