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Urgent help removing mold?

Basically my boyfriend is a twit lol. He washed out fitted sheets awhile ago and somehow forgot to put them out to dry. He discovered them this morning, it's literally been about two months that they've been sitting there wet and cold and now they're pretty moldy. How can I remove the mold? I'll try anything (as long as it's not friggen ridiculous lol)

Thanks guys (:

5 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favourite answer

    I would just trash them. wouldn't even take a chance of getting sick from sleeping on them.

  • Aught
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    You'll probably never be able to get the mold out of those sheets without some extraordinary measures, but give it a shot. You'll probably have to wash them many times, so start with bleach and see how that goes. If that's not an option try some of my other suggestions, but whatever you do, dry them on your highest temperature setting and really let 'er rip. The heat will help kill the mold. Don't mix with the bleach from before, but after you've washed them once with bleach you can wash a second time with ammonia which seems to do a nice job with the odor. You can try a fungicidal laundry detergent, but I've no experience with those. Borax is a very good option too, which you can find at most supermarkets or hardware stores. If all else fails, leave them in bright direct sun for a few days (but don't let them get wet outside). The UV rays are about as good a disinfectant as you'll find in any box or bottle and will kill mold, mildew, algae, bacteria, viruses and you name it.

    Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    mild bleach and water will kill the mildew. although, mildew needs moisture in order to advance. So in case your getting mildew, there should be a moisture source. until eventually you get rid of the moisture source, the mildew will shop coming again.

  • Jesse
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    It is minor mold you can easily remove it.Use ordinary household cleaning products.first you should take it outside,then spread it out.Use mold killing or cleaning solution put it on the sheet.Scrub the moldy away.Some of the effective mold killers can be found at killing molds.After you can rinse the sheet.

  • 9 years ago

    bleach will kill and remove the mold but will also take the color out of your sheets.Also be carefull handling them mold can cause a couple different illness's .If your not to attached to them just make him buy you new ones.

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